
" Bring Ideas in and entertain them royally for one of them may be the king "


Laurels And Accolades In the X-Std Board Exam, Sam PeterJeya Singh has achieved District II Rank & alsohas bagged the State First Rank in the S.S Communityin the academic year 2011- 2012. Ram prashanth has bagged the District III Rank in theacademic year 2011–2012. S.Mirinalini has added a feather in our cap by scoring the District III Rank during the academic Year 2012 – 2013. S.Deebiga has bagged the district III Rank during the academic year 2013- 2014. K.P.Nithya – AmulShakthiVidhya Shree award for Academic Excellence in Matric Exam April 2006. In the XII Board Exam the following achievements were reached by our students. 2002-2003 Nagarajan. N District-I 2004-2005 Sasipriya. R District-III 2005-2006 Sreedharan. P District-III 2006-2007 Geetha.S III Rank- Coimbatore Educational District 2008-2009 Sowmiya. N State-III Rank in Economics 2008-2009 Surya. S District –I in Coimbatore Educational District 2013-2014 Sam Peter Jaya Singh State-I in S.S Community 786 individual prizes were awarded during the current academic year to encourage children’s active participation in various activities organized. T.Sudhakar & S.Pradeep Kumar bagged the Children’s Science Academy Award-2013 Conducted by Science City Chennai.

Other Laurels Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are bagged every year in Karate at various Karate tournaments. Zonal and Inter zonal competitions has resulted in State and District level Awards in the Athletic, Volley Ball and Foot ball matches, right from 2001. YashwantBabua future Chess Champion of our country is marching ahead with rewards and medals. S. Samitha has proved her excellence in Yoga and Dance and she is adding colour by winning District, State and National events. L. KaviPranitha is emerging as a good power lifter and is placed First in various national events. Children of our school created greeting cards for “Diwali” and “New Year” which was sold and the earned money given to those ailing with cancer.

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